Monday, May 30, 2016

Hello. Aloha. Blessed Be. Shalom.

Welcome to my unconventional family. My Beatnik Tribe.

I should introduce myself and explain how unconventional my family is. I, your friendly neighborhood blogger, am part of a polyamorous quad. I live with my boyfriend, his wife, and her boyfriend (and of course our fur-babies). This blog will not just talk about family dynamics as it relates to a polyamory perspective but it applies to any family. The other common topics will be projects as they pertain to our home such as diy, recipes, our renovation process, organization, pets, and maybe even a little about our garden.

We are currently 2 months before we have to be completely moved in to our new house together. A house that was an interesting decision on our parts. I remember walking in after we signed the paper work and hearing, "Was this really what we paid for? Someone please tell me this will be worth it." It was of course followed by reassurances all around that we were going to get through this together and by the end of this process, be a closer family unit.

We're all from different backgrounds, some of us knowing early on that there was just something different about themselves. Others of us took a little while longer finding ourselves. Somehow, we fit together, it's said when you find your tribe, you love them hard and you hold tight. We plan to do that for a long time.

Some stories may be personal, some may just be about a current project or a meal idea. This will all be from my own point of view unless one of my family members or friends requests to do a guest post.So, now that you know what you will be getting into, I enjoy starting this journey with you, reader.

Have a blessed day.
